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Jim White gives the game away by revealing that Philippe Clement wasn’t the choice of Grame Souness

Jim White has cast a shadow over the appointment of Philippe Clement at Ibrox by claiming that he wasn’t the choice of Graeme Souness.

The former Liverpool and Blackburn boss was drafted into the recruitment process by Chairman John Bennett to provide some football know how.

Souness has been out of front line football for almost 20 years but his name alone gives bears a glow of satisfaction as they remember his four year stint in charge of the club which brought Dave Murray to the Blue Room.

Frank Lampard was an early tip for the job but interest quickly ended when there was an aggressively negative reaction on social media to the leaking of that story.

With his football interest starting and ending at the EPL it is hardly a surprise that Souness recommended Frank Lampard for the job.

Last season the former England midfielder was sacked by Everton in January then had a disastrous spell of one win in 11 matches as Caretaker boss at Chelsea.

Those two appointments have trashed the credit Lampard had built up from promising spells at Derby County and Chelsea but it looks like he’ll be waiting a long time, if ever, for another chance to manage in the EPL.

A season or two in Scotland with moderate success could have repaired his reputation but despite the backing of Souness it seems that Bennett opted to go with Philippe Clement.

Yesterday’s announcement from Ibrox mentioned Souness’ role in the recruitment process but there was no quotes included in the club statement.

Despite being unemployed Clement has managed to get a three and a half year contract out of the Ibrox Tribute Act which will insulate him from the fate that befell Micky Beale and Giovanni van Bronckhorst.

Clement will meet the media tomorrow for some soft-ball questioning about his exciting plans for the club.

With Souness and White prominent in the media there could be some awkward times ahead as the former Blackburn boss finds himself associated with the appointment of the fourth Ibrox manager in two years.

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