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‘We have completely broken them’ ‘Read the rule book’ ‘Dry yer eyes’ Ibrox digital guru crumbles at latest crushing defeat

Jonny McFarlane hasn’t taken Celtic’s victory in the Glasgow Derby very well.

As the least questioning of the Ibrox messengers the Head of Digital Sport at Newsquest is leading the attempt to switch the focus from Sunday’s match onto Don Robertson and away from Micky Beale.

Down the years big Jonny has come up with some classics. Brilliantly he stands by his claim that Barrie McKay is a better player than Kieran Tierney while he has found a website that backs up his claim that James Tavernier has been the greatest player in Scottish football this decade.

Those sort of views made McFarlane the outstanding candidate to lead Newsquest’s assault on the digital market. With print sales of the Herald around 12,000 per day and the Evening Times measured in four figures it is digital or bust for the once proud titles. As well as the Rangers Review he also edits The Celtic Way.

All summer long the flagship Rangers Review has been applying incredible spin to each of Micky Beale’s summer recruits. At no stage did they consider signing three strikers that were relegated last season might be a warning sign.

Or the fact that Cyriel Dessers and Sam Lammers change club every summer might mean that they aren’t quite the elite level strikers they were billed as.

Best of all Danilo has to be the icing on the cake because he has a Brazilian passport, smiles and speaks decent English. The £6m man has never been near an international cap, was freed by Ajax in the summer of 2022 and hadn’t started a match since March as Feyenoord raced to the title.

McFarlane championed them all, plus Luis Palma but now like Beale he is in a bit of a spot.

Rather than analyse the flop signings and the rookie boss that looked into their eyes it is Robertson and VAR that are the focus for the Newsquest leader. Applying the Laws of the Game in a match involving a side that has gone 58 SPFL matches without having a penalty awarded against them is a difficult concept to grasp.

McFarlane has achieved his goal of digital engagement but only in giving Newsquest’s digital titles the same credibility as the soon to disappear print versions.

CLICK HERE for big Jonny’s tear stained ramblings, stunning digital content at just £4 for four months.

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  • by UlyssesGunt
    Posted September 4, 2023 10:35 pm 0Likes

    Really don’t know why any Celtic supporter looking for online opinion / information would ever click on The Celtic Way ….. basically filling the pocket of a bHun .
    Starve them of all income ..

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