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It’s stadium expansion time as Bisgrove launches classic Ibrox squirrel

In a classic move that Dave Murray would certainly approve of James Bisgrove has launched another story about stadium expansion at Ibrox.

For the last 25 years Celtic Park has been able to host an extra 10,000 fans which has had a number of knock on financial benefits over the years.

In times of trouble Murray would gift one of his media messengers news about exciting new plans to redevelop Ibrox, if things were really tough there would be a few add-ons such as a floating pitch, super casino or six star hotel including helipads.

Of course Murray never saw any of these schemes come to fruition, squeezing some seats into the corners under the big screens was one trick he pulled off while a few extra rows were built in here and there.

Without the access to unlimited soft loans or being able to introduce creative tax scams Bisgrove’s hands are tied but like most things inside the club there is a drive from social media to increase the capacity of Ibrox.

Rather than hand a story to a newspaper the smooth talking CEO shared his exciting plans in the match programme for the game against Motherwell, today the Record and Sun picked it up and shared it with disgruntled bears.

Like most things at the Tribute Act, reality is the enemy with the bulk of the stadium built in the early eighties and the Main Stand trapped with Listed Building status.

Building up would be very costly and involve taking the roof off existing stands, building down gets close to the Water Table with the nearby River Clyde with finance tighter than ever after investing in the white elephant that is New Edmiston House, again driven by supporter demand.

Over the next few weeks the Ibrox club will announce their accounts for the 22/23 season.

Champions League money will be included, alongside the associated bonuses, pay-offs for Giovanni van Bronckhorst and his coaching staff plus compensation to QPR for the current manager.

A small profit is expected but not enough to start any significant work on rebuilding Ibrox, three stands that were built more than 40 years ago are in urgent need of maintenance.

With current anger levels Ibrox is rarely half full at the final whistle, when Celtic surpass the combined trophy tally of both clubs there will be absolutely no need for any extra seats or stands.


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  • by John Copeland
    Posted September 25, 2023 6:56 pm 0Likes

    They don’t have the money to recompense Beale when they decide to get rid of him yet they have the millions for the stadium work ? Allegedly ! Any decent journalist worth his / her salt would dissect the Bisgrove statement about the extension of Ibrox in a nanosecond …don’t hold your breath ! 1st question even a Primary 5 kid would ask is ; where is the money coming from ?

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