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Celtic reject Italian bid on the back of EPL offer for striker

Celtic are reported to have turned down an offer from Torino to sign Rocco Vata.

The 18-year-old is refusing to sign an extended Celtic contract but his club seem just as adamant not to sell him during the current transfer window.

Vata is in the third and final year of his Celtic contract but seems frustrated by the lack of direction in his contract as he faces upto a third season playing in the Lowland League.

As a 16-year-old it was a good test to be playing against much older professionals as Cumbernauld Colts, East Kilbride, Caledonian Braves and others but third time around his development will stagnate.

A chicken and egg situation has developed with Celtic not prepared to send Vata out on loan without his contract being extended.

Recently loan deals that been set up for Ben Summers, Ben McPherson, Tobi Oluwayemi and Matthew Anderson.

Nottingham Forest and Torino clearly see something in Vata but after four substitute appearances for the first team it appears that his Celtic career is virtually over.

Celtic will be entitled to a fee of around £300,000 for developing Vata but clubs will have to wait until next summer to get that move completed.

Vata can sign a pre-contract agreement in January, if nothing is resolved today he is expected to be involved in tomorrow’s Lowland League match at home to Albion Rovers.

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