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Angry Ibrox fans turn on Roofe over Instagram appearance

Two days after his side lost to Celtic in the Glasgow Derby Kemar Roofe has taken to Instagram.

Micky Beale’s players have been lying low since they were booed off the park on Sunday following a half-hearted lap of honour led by James Tavernier.

Rather than offering some bland words of encouragement to supporters Roofe has decided to share some images of his disallowed goal which hasn’t gone down well with fans looking for outlets to express their anger.

Apparently football is a team game, you win or lose together but Roofe would rather highlight his moment of personal glory which was nullified by a foul from Cyriel Dessers in the build up.

Starting just his second match in 15 months the former Anderlecht striker is believed to be one of the highest paid players at Ibrox despite starting just 23 matches in his three years at the club, last season he made six appearances off the bench.

Since Sunday’s match social media content from the club has been virtually non-existent with even Todd Cantwell keeping quiet about his wacky, fun-filled lifestyle.

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