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Rugby Park VAR line leaves former EPL referee Mark Halsey in the dark

Mark Halsey has admitted that he has no idea what the VAR image produced for Marley Watkins goal against Celtic is supposed to prove.

Having studied VAR across Europe for five seasons the SFA should be able to bring in best practise for use in their own system.

From day one last season when they refused to publish the VAR image to explain why a ‘goal’ from Liel Abada at Tynecastle was disallowed there has been a bit of mystery over VAR decisions in which some dubious lines are put on an image as an explanation.

The lines are far from clear, their start and end points are unknown while yesterday’s effort had two additional major flaws.

Yesterday’s line wasn’t straight! It seemed to bend around the areas of interest and actually went through the torso of the goalscorer!

That line doesn’t look like it was created by Hawk-eye technology.

Soon after the VAR verdict was delivered Viaplay Sport briefly showed the image used with their commentary team not convinced either way.

If that image was the evidence used the SFA have a major issue to deal with, no decision can be given based on that.

How the squinty line is applied also needs explained. With 3D technology available it must be possible to extend a line across the pitch from the furthest back point of the last defender. The line, obviously would be straight.

Whatever evidence is used in the VAR room has to be shared. Only viewers to Viaplay Sports have seen the image that was put up as evidence.

Last season the SFA admitted that a camera malfunctioned at Fir Park meaning that Hawk-eye technology was used and that Jota was offside when the ball was received. The Law on offside is based on when the ball was strick, not received.

There is no sign of Sunday’s evidence on the SFA website, there is barely a mention of VAR never mind a section used to share the evidence from matches to educate supporters (customers) on decision making.

It will take more than a few scripted interviews with Crawford Allan congratulating himself to convince fans that all is open and above board inside the Refereeing Department at the SFA.

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  • by KC67
    Posted August 21, 2023 10:28 pm 0Likes

    2 things we know about this incident –

    1. it’s just handed the huns the first piece of silverware of the season

    2. The Celtic board will say nothing about being cheated.

  • by Eddie
    Posted August 21, 2023 11:30 pm 0Likes

    When will our club grow a pair, and challenge the cheating that is going on

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