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Keevins and Miller in denial as the Daily Record airbrush over Beale’s nightmare start

It seems like last night’s defeat at Kilmarnock came too late for the Daily Record to afford proper coverage.

In this day and age a 5.15 kick off, done and dusted by the back of seven should allow the flagship publication of the Reach Group to give full in depth coverage and reaction.

All through the summer the Record has been singing the praises about the players recruited to join the Micky Beale Revolution.

Sign a relegated striker from Italy? Lets dig out Lewis Ferguson to explain how brilliant he really is, how Beale’s eye for a player has unearthed a gem missed by the rest of Italian football.

Sign a goalkeeper that has barely played in three seasons? Former England star, on loan at Manchester United and mention Joe Hart as often as possible.

Best of all was the verdict of Dujon Sterling who could walk around Bridgeton Cross in full Castore kit with his name on the back and not be recognised.

Sterling is a former Chelsea star (two cup appearances as a substitute in season 2017/18) and knew of Beale when he set out the bibs and cones for the North London u-8 Chelsea Academy squad.

Within a week of arriving at Murray Park Sterling was crocked, missing the pre-season trip to Germany but it didn’t stop him from gushing about Beale to the Record:

What he presented to me, what he wanted me to achieve and what he wanted to achieve were all in line for my next building block. It just made sense. Already on the pitch you can see his tactical brain is genius. I ain’t got nothing else, he’s just a genius. He goes into so much detail.

The touch of a genius was missing at Kilmarnock yesterday as Derek McInnes’ side of free agents and loanees matched the Gumtree Galacticos at every turn, denied the celebrated strikers a sniff of goal and buried a half chance presented to them by John Souttar.

From midway through the second half the defeat was on, Todd Cantwell was relegated to the bench which was a pretty big story after the summer of love afforded to the former Norwich starlet by the Record’s team of fanboys.

Strangely, neither Hugh Keevins or Kenny Miller could comment on the defeat from Kilmarnock.

Two years ago when Celtic lost their opening match away to Hearts smug Keevins could barely wait before pressing send on his Absolutely Not Good Enough click-winner.

This morning Record readers can find out all about Joe Hart’s problems- someone that has won the same amount of Scottish medals as James Tavernier, Connor Goldson and John Lundstram COMBINED!

In a column full on factual errors Keevins offers Record readers:

Joe Hart has become a problem that needs solved before the end of the transfer window. To play the goalkeeper in the face of growing, and continuing, evidence that he has become a source of uncertainty and vulnerability runs the risk of putting defiance before what people can see with their own eyes. Ring rustiness on the part of a back four incorporating a newly signed centre half, Maik Nawrocki was allowable and understandable against Ross County yesterday.

Watching a goalkeeper with ‘previous’ for lacking the skill set of the modern day player in that position endangering his own goal is an obvious warning needing a proper response. A keeper with a safe pair of hands and a frogman’s feet will always have unwanted consequences, particularly against Rangers. Hart almost conceded a penalty and looked suspect at County’s goal yesterday.

County scored twice yesterday, maybe Keevins was rattling off his copy during an advert break yesterday on Super Scoreboard. Thankfully the Celtic keeper and his frogman feet are still performing better than Keevins and his colleagues at the Record.

Kenny Miller was on co-commentator duty for Sky Sports at Rugby Park yesterday, willing Beale’s side to take the points despite playing in the same clueless fashion as Miller installed in his management jobs at Falkirk and Huddersfield Town.

With his gigs on Go-Radio, Sky Sports, BBC Scotland and Radio Clyde Miller is facing a difficult week but his Daily Record column doesn’t even mention the result from Kilmarnock.

Instead it is all about the Champions League as he explained to Record readers:

Maybe Rangers would be better off in the Europa League.” That’s a comment I’ve heard a few times after the club’s humiliation in the Champions League last season. But it’s absolute nonsense, it really is. You fight so hard to earn the right to play against the best in Europe. And you want everything that comes with that – like hearing that Champions League music back at Ibrox. Those nights are special and everyone looks forward to them.

So don’t tell me there’s a player in the Ibrox dressing-room who doesn’t want to be there. Michael Beale has a four-game challenge to navigate to hit the jackpot – starting against Servette on Wednesday night. He’s been through these scenarios before when he worked under Steven Gerrard. It might not have been the Champions League.

Many more results like yesterday and Beale will do well to outlast Giovanni van Bronckhorst who survived 368 days in charge of the Tribute Act.

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  • by John Copeland
    Posted August 6, 2023 2:38 pm 0Likes

    Expect a sustained campaign if things continue to go nipples up for Beale to be replaced with the genius that is McInnes , from all sections of media ! Oh ,please ,please…pretty please !

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