Putting the jigsaw pieces together it seems that Dave King has matched up with Cavenagh to sell on his shares with the remainder of the story an exercise in kite flying.
This is a matter that would undoubtedly have engaged the attention of any intelligent well-motivated sports or financial journalist or broadcaster. So, naturally in Scotland in 2025, no one in the media has paid it any attention whatsoever.
One of the paranoid Ibrox facing social media accounts has highlighted the different standards of refereeing that Celtic are subjected to.The replies piled in on Blow The Whistle, a very professional looking Twitter account.It came just a few days after Willie Collum admitted that Alan Muir had no evidence to…
However, looking towards the longer-term, the events of the past week have left Stewart with an even greater need to prove that he is more than just another corporate yes-man — some suit who changes with the direction of the breeze — further up the tree.
Been following Rangers since 1986, i remember my first visit to Ibrox like it was yesterday as an 8 year old boy. NEVER since then have I felt as disappointed and disgusted as I do now.
It’s understood he is now part of a consortium – including at least one other high net worth American business mogul – which hopes to restore Rangers to the top of the Scottish game after years spent languishing in the shadow of Old Firm rivals Celtic.
If they are invested in clubs like Leeds that have opportunities to go into the Premier League which is incredibly valuable to be involved in, what you don’t want is Rangers being utilised as an opportunity to provide feeder cub mentality for clubs like Leeds Utd.
How UEFA will deal with clubs failing to comply with their Sustainability Rules is still to be determined. Fines, squad reductions or expulsion are all options open to ensuring Fair Play across their three competitions.