After being called out by the Ibrox messengers in the wake of their defeat in the League Cup Final, Ian Maxwell suddenly appeared in midweek at yet another initiative announcing massive investment for youth development in Scottish football.With Scott Gemmill in charge of the u-21 side and Mark Wotte’s 2020…
Nobody at this club really cares about what other people say about us. We only look at ourselves.
Across most European countries at least one red card would have been issued, Beaton has never been near a top UEFA or FIFA competition despite being the Golden Boy of the SFA, taking charge of three of the five Glasgow Derbies this year.
Like the CEO of Celtic, Michael Nicholson, Maxwell has neither the personality, presence of character for his job but enjoys an Executive salary and trimmings for a job way beyond his ability.
Tomorrow the Willie Collum Show will appear on You Tube, alongside his media bestie Gordon Duncan in a carefully scripted show that will ignore the majority of mistakes from Hampden on Sunday.
In trademark fashion he snapped into Reo Hatate 30 yards from goal, caught out by the sharp movement of the Celtic midfielder, Beaton seemed reluctant to reach for the yellow card but finally decided that a booking was deserved.
On Monday afternoon the Ibrox media messengers were informed that new Ibrox CEO Paddy Stewart had contacted the SFA on the issue, today the former Manchester United man gave an in-house interview with the Scotsman jumping to conclusions from very bland, non-committal comments:
If they want to dig they’ll know that there is one link between Beaton, Muir and Fourth Official Steven McLean. And it’s not that they are Celtic supporters, quite the reverse.
No matter how much you might brace yourself and prepare for it bad news always hits hard with McCann eager to hit out at an alleged penalty for a foul by Liam Scales during the League Cup Final.
Maeda ran straight to Schmeichel who had no more penalties to face, the trophy was won and a party was about to start almost three hours after the match had been scheduled to start.