Ferguson and his suited friends sat in staunch silence waiting for the moment to pass, the final whistle to blow and the chance to disappear into the bowels of the stadium.
What isn’t beyond question is the two lines used in the image given to Sky Sports. The blue line from Souttar’s shoulder towards the pitch leans slightly towards the defender, the red line from Kuhn leans slightly away from him.
Phil Clement isn’t short of problems as his Revolution! falters, how to keep the peace between Tavernier and the angry supporters is just one more unwanted problem for A Proper Football Manager to deal with.
Now further video clips have emerged of angry fans challenging and blocking Clement trying to get away in his car. It has been claimed that players were spat at.
Tavanier came out the bus and he actually shouted to us ‘You are a disgrace, you’re supposed to be supporting us’ and that just kicked off everything. I ripped up my Season Ticket in front of him
The gap is there but it is not insurmountable. It might be three players, it might be four players. If someone was to say to the manager ‘there’s £50million’ it would change, if he got lucky and bought the right players.
Hosted by TV and Radio presenter Ali DeFoy the night gives fans a rare chance to put their questions to the boss, whilst helping to raise funds for the Rangers Charity Foundation.
It was bad enough that they found themselves locked out of their own ground before the campaign had even begun. But now, not only are Rangers homeless off the pitch, but they are completely and utterly spineless on it.
Captain Disappointed wasn’t far away and wasn’t prepared to let the anger pass him by like Maeda running in to score just past 12.45. Alongside two other players Tavernier responded to the fan who quickly backed off while repeatedly saying ‘F*** Off’.