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Return of Dave King would trigger critical £30m Ibrox withdrawal

The return of Dave King to the Ibrox boardroom would instantly result in the withdrawal of £30m in loans to the troubled club.

That’s the claim from Mark Dingwall on Follow Follow as the Ibrox board begin the fightback against King’s unquestioning media messengers who have been happy to publish whatever the South African based ‘businessman’ says.

King has promised the earth, moon and the stars to fans desperate for hope as they see Celtic off to a flier towards winning their 55th title while winning the League Cup would take the hoops past the combined tally of both Ibrox clubs.

It seems that King has become very forgetful about his time as Chairman at Ibrox, he left with the trophy room empty with Mark Warburton, Pedro Caixinha, Graeme Murty, Stewart Robertson and James Bisgrove appointed on his watch.

Instead he has been clinging on to Steven Gerrard, the manager that he left high and dry when he bailed out of Ibrox demanding and receiving full payment of a £6m loan with interest.

Douglas Park and John Bennett had to dig deep to pay King off with that issue behind the bad feeling from inside the club to the self style People’s Champion who was described as a glib and shameless liar by a South African judge.

While King has his men in place across the mainstream the club prefer to brief their fan media partners about the reality of King’s hasty and costly exit in March 2020.



In trademark fashion Football Scotland reports King saying of his former boardroom colleagues:

Those same faceless people want the chance to do it all again. When John Bennett took over he tried to turns things around – but had no human or financial resources to support him.

It is amazing that the same people who got us into this trouble want to continue control by placing, as a professional Chairman, their own puppet – who will have no knowledge of the Club or financial interest in its future. We are sleepwalking Celtic towards title 55, 56 and 57 instead of trying to stop them. This board will go down as an infamy in the Club’s history.

King’s call for an EGM without voting from the significant shareholders is utterly laughable, like much of his claims which go unquestioned in the mainstream.

A further £20m of losses are expected for the year to 30 June 2024, since then there has been a pay-out made to Elite Sports for breaking the Hummel deal as well as funding the Clement Revolution.





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