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‘Desperate and ridiculous’ ’50 million wouldn’t by him’ ‘Just like buffalo and Kent’ full on Daily Record treatment for new Ibrox ace

After two substitute appearances providing no goals and no assists Hamza Iganame is getting the full Alfredo Morelos Ibrox superstar treatment.

The Moroccan striker has ran about well in those appearances, with virtually nothing else happening at Ibrox Igamane is being bigged up for a huge transfer to underline the fabled Player Trading Model. He also seems to be carrying excess timber.

It took one transfer window for the Record and BBC Scotland to link Morelos with a move to China which was the Saudi Arabia of 2018.

Of course nothing came of it but it set in motion the comforting notion that one of the world’s most wanted strikers was playing at Ibrox.

After being signed from HJK Helsinki for £1m Morelos signed three improved contracts in reaction to the speculation, laughing his way out the door in the summer of 2023 having checked out far earlier.

Porto, Benfica and Seville were the clubs that were most regularly linked with Morelos, usually through keeping tabs or preparing to launch a bid even though no offer ever came in for the chunky striker with multiple disciplinary problems.

Now the Ibrox spotlight is on Igamane, following brief attempts to hype up Todd Cantwell, Nicky Raskin, Ianis Hagi and Jose Cifuentes as signs of a Player Trading Model.

TikTok left after 18 months for just £500,000, Raskin is behind Tom Lawrence and Kieran Dowell for a place while Hagi is in limbo with Cifuentes on his second loan in a year after being dropped like a stone by Phil Clement.

It seems that they hype and expectations all contribute to the cycle of failure at Ibrox with Ryan Kent, Ridvan Yilmaz and others following the same path.

On arrival it was explained that Rabbi Matondo was faster than Usain Bolt, unfortunately for the club that handed out a five year contract the Welshman has similar football ability to the Jamaican sprinter.



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