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Uncut- Craig Levein and his What the F*** comment about SFA officials

A clip has emerged of Craig Levein’s What the F** happened there introduction to Saturday’s post-match media conference at Hampden.

The introduction has been referenced by media outlets but not even a bleeped out version has appeared in the mainstream.

Levein knows all about the strange decisions that go against your team when you pose a threat to either of the Ibrox clubs but probably thought that he had seen it all in the masterclass dished out by Mike McCurry when Dundee United visit Ibrox in May 2008.

Afterwards Levein avoided the F word in his media appearances but made it very clear that Dundee United were insignificant in the bigger picture as McCurry delivered the right result for the club that he has always supported.

Matthew MacDermid didn’t grow up supporting either Ibrox club but as a member of the Lanarkshire Refereeing Association he knows how to fast track your career in refereeing.

Want me to start? What the f*** happened there?

And no one in the room was prepared to challenge what the St Johnstone boss said. The most experienced manager in Scotland, a BBC regular with his own show using a word that would have ended his BBC career on the spot. It was intended.

Everyone in Scottish football is well aware of the difficulties John Bennett’s club is enduring but the Laws of the Game don’t have any variations, that is supposedly the beauty of them, they are applied universally from Real Madrid to Berwick Rangers.

When the referee sees a foul he blows his whistle or allows the offended team to continue in possession if they are presented with an advantage. It doesn’t work in reverse.

When Cyriel Dessers fouled his opponent everything about MacDermid suggested that he had awarded a freekick, St Johnstone players claim that they heard a whistle as Dessers continued on to put the ball in the net.

MacDermid motioned to restart with a free kick to St Johnstone before the intervention of Greg Aitken on VAR, someone with a loyal track record to the SFA that used an image cracking jokes with Ally McCoist on his Facebook profile.

What happened to award a goal is the task that St Johnstone want an answer to by listening to the audio between MacDermid and Aitken which will cover the period of when the whistle was blown.

Everything points to MacDermid caving in to pressure, if that is the case he clearly isn’t capable of refereeing at the top level, if he loves the game he can drop down to the Juniors or below.

During the summer he was put onto the FIFA list by the SFA, if he continues to get the high profile matches it sets an example to other emerging referees that adapting the Laws of the Game to benefit one club is the way to fast track your career in Scottish refereeing.


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1 Comment

  • by A bhoy in paradise
    Posted August 20, 2024 4:49 pm 0Likes

    I watched the edited version after the game and I thought he spoke well in the circumstances. Would love to have been in the room to see the looks on the faces of the laptop loyal. Another example of poor standard of refereeing in Scottish fitba 🙈🙈🙈

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