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There are definitely positions that we’d like to have finalised sooner rather than later- Rodgers’ transfer expectations from May

With just over three weeks left in the Transfer Window Celtic fans are becoming increasingly frustrated, disappointed and angry over the lack of activity. Brendan Rodgers appears to still have faith in those involved in recruitment.

In their strongest ever position with a massive bank balance and guaranteed Champions League place it appears that there has been little in the way of forward planning to strengthen the Starting XI and back up squad.

In one position the club has achieved that and more, fears about a project replacement for Joe Hart were dismissed with when Kasper Schmeichel was signed up with Viljami Sinisalo as strong competition, the job that Ben Siegrist was earmarked for with Joe Hart two years ago.

Elsewhere it seems that nothing has been learned from the last two transfer windows which contrasted greatly.

In the summer Rodgers seemed to trust the process until he realised that he had been handed a job lot of projects with none of the quality that he was looking for to improve in Europe. Two red cards in the Champions League opener away to Feyenoord confirmed his worst fears.

When the Champions League ‘campaign’ ended with a lame 2-0 defeat away to Lazio Rodgers revealed his initial assessment was that the team required four quality starters- before the loss of Jota, Aaron Mooy and Carl Starfelt.

The Celtic boss is still waiting despite his discussions with Michael Nicholson and Chris McKay over the months.

In January the flow of projects ended, Nicolas Kuhn looks a cut above the summer intake but with the clock running down Rodgers has one striker and one left-back available despite the swollen bank balance that prompted a Stock Market announcement.


5 minutes 30 seconds

Asked about the challenges ahead, the need to strengthen the playing pool, Rodgers had very clear views

We have to, that’s pretty clear. I am really excited about moving forward and moving into a bright future with the club. This season has been a real challenge and the squad is openly not as strong as I would like it to have been.

What the players have given me until this point has been absolutely brilliant but our job going forward next year is to be stronger, much stronger. That is something that is well underway.

Asked if he would like to get players in early so they can take part in pre-season training and integrate into his squad Rodgers added (9 minutes 35 seconds) :

I think every coach and manager would want to be able to do that. There are definitely certain positions that we’d like to have finalised sooner rather than later. Ideally, if we can do that then great but what’s really important for us this summer is getting the level of quality that I want into the squad.

That will be absolutely key for the growth of this team. As I’ve said, the guys this season in the team have been absolutely fantastic this season, but next season we need more depth in the squad.

In my past time here, I was going away to Ross County making eight changes. I was bringing into that team [players like] Stuart Armstrong, Ryan Christie, guys who have shown that they’re Premier League quality.

I remember going away to Dubai to our training camp, and, in a proper game, the second team beat the starters 5-0. That gave me great food for thought then when I came back for the second part of the season. It was a proper football game.

That told me the depth that was required and I think that’s something that’s definitely required here because we probably lost a bit of that in the summer, and no doubt that we’ll need to restructure that going forward. We’ve got some fantastic players here and we want to add to that.

After taking over 50 days to conclude the signing of Paulo Bernardo there is less than  to left than half that time left in the summer window to get the team and squad Champions League ready.

Rodgers has been vocal, and trusting in recent weeks with his media comments but there is little sign of players arriving while Matt O’Riley’s departure seems inevitable, adding to the recruitment requirements.

The needs of the team seem fairly obvious but it seems that the club is unable to match up with the expectations of the manager who has clearly put quality and starters ahead of further project deals.

With the whole issue around recruitment something of a mystery the fear is that another opportunity is about to be lost, three consecutive windows without strengthening the playing squad is inexcusable.

There are just three matches to be played before the window closes, every day matters with Celtic fans anxious for signs that the May expectations set out by Rodgers are being delivered on by those inside the club.


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  • by John A
    Posted August 7, 2024 10:21 pm 0Likes

    I believe we are heading for a couple of last minute loans. A typical lawwell transfer window.

    If that’s the case I will expect Brendan to say he has been let down again, otherwise he is in on the game the charlatans running our club are upto.

    Everyone knows we are stockpiling cash so as soon as we lift the phone the price gets higher. Our board know this so why?

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