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Elite Sports compensation case is called as another nail is readied for the Ibrox coffin

The problems at Ibrox are piling up with the long awaited case from Elite Sports now underway.

Five weeks on from the brief statement at Ibrox was closing due to a rogue Asian supplier there has been nothing further on the issue, no promising pictures or videos or comment on the delayed delivery.

On the park Phil Clement’s side have lost three successive pre-season friendlies with the performances setting off alarm bells among supports.

Attempts to sell James Tavernier and Connor Goldson have so far failed with Todd Cantwell telling Clement that he wants out of the club.

Now on top of those issues the club is facing legal fees with the Administrators for Elite looking for £10m compensation for the three year contract that was signed in the summer of 2018 as Dave King tried to outsmart Mike Ashley.

Sports Direct retaliated through the courts, the new kit from Hummell (Elite) wasn’t available to buy until September with a lucrative summer sales period completely lost.

Various issues dogged the Hummell deal, very few outlets stocked the kit with the Danish firm using a clause to cancel with a year left to run on the deal. At this point Castore Sport came to the rescue, shortly after an out of court settlement was made with Sports Direct.

Elite had to go to Court to get access to the sales figures generated by the Castore deal in order to calculate their compensation claim.

It has taken four years to get to this stage, if the Court finds in favour of Elite there is no sign that there is a spare £10m sitting in the Ibrox coffers to pay out.

One possible route to that sort of money would be to reach the new look Champions League but that will require winning two rounds during August to join Celtic in the big time.

It seems as if a strong effort is being made to get rid of the highest earners and replace them with project signings but so far there is a distinct lack of interest from other clubs in the serial losers recruited by Giovanni van Bronckhorst and Micky Beale.

CLICK HERE for the many faces of James Succulent Traynor.

CLICK HERE for Ibrox closure announcement.

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  • by BriBhoy
    Posted July 26, 2024 8:55 am 0Likes

    Hopefully the fat lady is warming up her vocal chords. Do you think they’ll accept payment in asbestos?

    Editor: They do seem to be involved in a lot of concrete offers over transfer deals.

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