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Serial losers who buckle and surrender- Ibrox fans are on the brink

The speed of Celtic’s title turnaround and the realisation that next season the hoops are going for a genuine 55 has sent many Ibrox fans into the pits of despair.

Rather than become resigned to Celtic success after 11 out of 12 titles it seems that their failings has inflated their sense of entitlement and demands to be successful.

That attitude destroyed Giovanni van Bronckhorst and Micky Beale, as it stands Phil Clement is no better than a 50-50 chance of surviving to his first anniversary in October.

As recently as April 7 the bears were speculating over when they would win the title with Parkhead after the split excitedly discussed for the coronation of Clement followed by scenes of carnage in and around George Square.

Celtic were to be lambs to the slaughter at Ibrox, a win would take the homeside into top spot with a game in hand away to Dundee. What could possibly go wrong?



Not even A Proper Football Manager could transform the character and personality of the Ibrox dressing room. When James Tavernier is your captain you are almost doomed but it was the former Wigan utility man that led his side out into battle on April 7.

Within the first minute the panicked captain presented Daizen Maeda with the opening goal, only an incredible performance from John Beaton denied Celtic victory.

Incredibly Clement set off on a heart-thumping Lap of Honour, in the media conference he discussed a 3-3 draw at home as a moral victory, actions that will haunt him and be highlighted when the time comes for the next change of manager.

Within 10 days Clement was reflecting on taking just one point from Ross County and Dundee, the fans started to turn with Dujon Sterling confirming that the dressing room was racked with doubt and a lack of belief.

Clement patched things up until Saturday’s defeat to Celtic as good as ended the SPFL Premiership as a contest.

As the post above shows claiming 55 in season 20/21 is in very real danger of backfiring. As they say in the school playground ‘they started it’, in 12 months Celtic could be sitting on that meaningless number which might just be a step too far for the Gullible & Deluded to cope with as they desert in droves.

CLICK HERE for two faced Keevins makes remarkable Rodgers u-turn

CLICK HERE for Santa Ponsa celebrates Celtic’s victory in the Glasgow Derby.

CLICK HERE for SPFL Premiership table.

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