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Astonishing and depressing- Sky Sports presenter is sickened by hate promise from McCoist

Ally McCoist’s live radio promise to commit Hate Crimes on Sunday seems to have escaped the attention of all of his media colleagues.

Alongside the matey testimonials about what a great laugh the former Question of Sport skipper is there is usually a reminder of his unseen serious side, how hard he works, how professional his approach has been to become the favourite co-commentator for almost everyone in England.

‘Absolutely Clive’, ‘I’ll tell you what’, ‘I have to say’ ‘no doubt about it’ and other cliches certainly keep the paydays rolling in with TNT Sport, ITV, Viaplay, TalkSPORT and Amazon all bidding for a slice of the action.

Yesterday morning the mask certainly slipped as the real McCoist emerged, the guy that spent must of his career in the company of John Brown, Davie Cooper, Jimmy Bell and others that would never be described as liberals or Politically Correct.

Broadcasting your intention to commit Hate Crimes this weekend must be one of the stupidest acts ever, on a par with Ron Atkinson when he was caught off guard giving his thoughts on a Chelsea player after a Champions League match. His media career virtually ended overnight.

Anthony Joseph of Sky Sports appears to be the only media type to have recognised and called out the appalling comments made by McCoist on live radio.

TalkSPORT has a substantial audience that would have heard McCoist live, other media outlets such as the Daily Record, The Sun and STV were quickly on it with the comments spreading quickly on social media accompanied by audio clips.

There has been some reaction from low-key politicians but in the main the issue has been body-swerved, Tom English recently announced himself as an anti-sectarian crusader but seemed to disappear from Twitter soon after McCoist was trending.

This week TNT has rolling coverage of EPL fixtures over three nights, normally greedy McCoist would be in place each night sharing his cliches, enthusiasm and banter with viewers. Last night he couldn’t be found at any of the fixtures.

No doubt McCoist will try to brush off his comments as light hearted banter and hope that the storm blows over within 24 hours.

Apart from Sky Sports reporter Joseph it seems that no-one else in the mainstream is prepared to comment on the actions of the former Rangers boss, social media won’t be so forgiving on McCoist or the platforms that pay for his opinions, the nicer, funnier ones.

CLICK HERE for the STV report on McCoist’s comments

CLIICK HERE for the Crawford Allan rumours.

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