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Clement takes control as he axes trusted coach

Philippe Clement as ditched Steve Davis from his coaching team with the story being dressed up as injury related.

The veteran midfielder suffered a knee injury in training last December that required surgery, at the age of 38 he has yet to regain full mobility and is unable to play football in the garden with his kids.

Davis was pulled out of an Irish Pub in Rome where he was watching the Ryder Cup at the start of October to takeover from Micky Beale for two matches. Now, with two weeks between matches he has been removed by Clement.

After losing to ARIS Limassol and beating St Mirren the search for a new manager was stepped up with Davis and Alex Rae retained during the settling in phase.

The Irishman has now been ditched with a round the houses explanation given out with the Daily Record reporting Davis saying:

The manager’s been great and it’s been great to work alongside him for the past couple of weeks and see his ideas. Ultimately I’ve got a decision to make in terms of my knee.

I’m 11 months into my rehab. The last four weeks have been a bit of a write-off because I’ve been doing the other role, but my knee isn’t where I’d like it to be. It’s imperative that I try and get that right first and foremost. I’m old in terms of playing but young in terms of life. Hopefully wherever my career takes me, whether that’s coaching, managing or playing, it’s key that I get my knee right.

I’m still at a stage where I can’t even play with my kids in the garden or play football with my son. It’s important that I get that right.

Davis will be 39 on January 1, it will be a miracle if he recovers fitness to the extent that he is offered a playing contract. No amount of rehab through the winter is going to turn that around but it seems like Clement is clearing out someone with strong dressing room contacts.

Since the end of last season Davis has been out of contract but was allowed to use the Murray Park facilities for his knee rehab.

With the transfer window opening in six weeks there is still no sign of a Sporting Director being appointed which might reflect the lack of funds.

Whatever Clement was told during the recruitment process he’ll be aware of the recently published accounts, anyone expecting any sort of significant spending is in for disappointment.

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