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Anonymous briefings to fan media just won’t cut it- softly softly approach fails to combat anti-Semitic attacks

Reassuring fan media sites that the club is really angry about claims from Alon Hazan really isn’t good enough.

It might have made life easier for the club’s PR team but made absolutely no impact compared to the anti-Semitic comments that were reported far and wide.

Whether it is a lack of strategy or whether there is no real interest in the boardroom about mainstream attacks on the Celtic support isn’t clear. The outcome is.

With nothing come out from the club other than the drip feed of sanctions against supporter groups it is clear that Celtic are a very easy target.

If the club is sanctioning their own fans, Season Ticket holders, they are hardly likely to challenge the comments about Liel Abada lovingly repeated by mainstream Scottish publishers.

Interestingly at today’s broadcast media conference there wasn’t a single question to Brendan Rodgers about the Green Brigade, Abada or associated issues.

It many have been mentioned beforehand that those issues were out of bound or that those present knew that their card would be marked if they tried to get the Celtic boss to stray away from his job remit.

The manager seems to be far more street-wise with the dynamics around the club than those paid for their expertise.

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