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Who is telling porkies- Clement or Buffel?

Two days into the reign of Philippe Clement the Ibrox media machine is getting its messages all mixed up.

On Sunday the club announcement listed Graeme Souness as being part of the recruitment process that had selected the unemployed Belgian to replace Micky Beale as manager.

The following morning Jim White let slip that Frank Lampard was the choice of Souness to take over at Ibrox.

Speaking to Sky Sports on Monday Clement went out of his way to claim that he had turned down more lucrative offers because the Ibrox ‘project’ appealed to him.

The Sky interview was simply an extension of club media, ensuring that the right message is sent out to fans from a Board of Directors that provided Micky Beale with £15m in the summer with long term deals handed out to Cyriel Dessers, Sam Lammers and Danoli.

During the Sky Sports interview Clement claimed that Thomas Buffel was brought up by the new Ibrox boss, strangely the former Rangers player had denied discussing the job with his former Genk boss.

BBC QUESTION: I’m just wondering Tomas, I’m curious today, contact you at all when he was in the running for the job?

BUFFEL: No, no, they didn’t contact me.

CLEMENT: Information about the club, I spoke also to Tomas Buffel who was long time a player here and knows the club really well, in that way I think that I gathered enough information to make a really good decision.

This afternoon the media will be invited into the Blue Room to meet their new manager.

Before the January transfer window opens Clement will take Beale’s squad to Aberdeen, Hearts, Hibs, Motherwell and Celtic.

John Lundstram, Borna Barisic, Ryan Jack, Kemar Roofe and Leon Balogun are out of contract at the end of this season with decisions to be taken on them before next summer’s Revolution! gets underway.

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