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‘I’m stepping away because putting myself through this misery is unhealthy’ Heart-broken bear explains walking away

Like the result of a by-election with a 38% turn-out it is dangerous to read too much into Social Media postings but there can be an underlying truth in their message.

There will be 30,000 plus crowds at Ibrox through the remainder of the season but there is a growing number of bears that are being scunnered by their weekly diet of entertainment.

Some might be walking away in disgust at the incompetence of their Board of Directors but the quality of football on display appears to be driving bears to find other interests.

Even for the Gullible & Deluded there seems to be a tipping point- possibly when you are getting told that Rabbi Matondo/Ben Davies/Ridvan Yilmaz isn’t last season’s dud but is actually a key part of this season’s Revolution!

For more than a decade the Dunkirk Spirit has been keeping bears connected to their Tribute Act, the joy of righting wrongs from the great conspiracy of 2012 when John Reid, HMRC, Co-op Bank, SFA, Peter Lawwell and the Vatican all got together to kill off their holding company. Finding out the truth about Sir Dave would be far less acceptable.

One public trophy win in 11 years isn’t much of a return, the League Cup could be lifted before Christmas but soon after there is a visit to Celtic Park where the champions will probably have a double-digit lead over their new management team.

Celebrating a title win watched on a stream isn’t really very satisfying, especially when you got back out into the fresh air and discover that Celtic are back dominating under the unknown manager that your influencers told you would be sacked by Christmas.

Europe has provided a welcome distraction, some freaky circumstances provided an unexpected trip to Seville to dull the pain and anguish of Celtic celebrating another SPFL title success.

Giovanni van Bronckhorst even secured a first ever place in the group stage of the Champions League but from last September, a 4-0 defeat to Celtic and a place in the Champions League record books things have been bleak at Ibrox.

So dim that Todd Cantwell and Nico Raskin were introduced as game changers.

The lure of Europe ended on Thursday night when a team called ARIS Limassol outsmarted the management team of Mister Davis and Mister Rae. The fun has gone out of the banter. Shouting WATP and telling yourself about the most successful club in the world doesn’t do the trick when you are watching and paying for the Dessers and Lammers double act.

There is a misplaced belief that things can’t get any worse- how wrong could they be.

If results go to form over the weekend the pitch for the new manager will involve lifting the club from fifth place in the Premiership- with a squad built on serial losers and two disastrous summer recruitment campaigns.

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