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‘Human Sleeping Tablet’ ‘Mogadon Man’ ‘Totally agree horrendous commentator’ Fans united over Kevin Thomson snoozefest

Not even watching the most exciting team in Europe with the world’s greatest striker could push Kevin Thomson into displaying a flicker of excitement or emotion.

Watching Scotland take the lead through Billy Gilmour he reacted as if he’d just received a text message to inform him that his dog had died.

France turned on the style in patches but it sounded as if Thommo would rather be watching Peterhead against Dundee United on a cold Saturday night and trying to make the best of a lukewarm pie.

As Etims put it perfectly it is hard to put your finger on how ex-Rangers player, ex-Rangers youth coach and current Rangers TV employee.

Even in the shallow talent pool of the Scottish media the former Kelty Hearts boss stands out as more mediocre than most.

Less than 100 appearances for the old Rangers club hardly qualifies him for legendary status but his stumbling, monotone stitching together of cliches seems to have turned him into a Go-To guy for media outlets.

When Micky Beale got the sack there was an unexpected Zoom call from Sky Sports on the Sunday night, STV were on the case on the Monday with a trip to Cyprus provided by TNT to share his views on the defeat from ARIS Limassol.

It seems that no match is too big or small for Thommo to pick up a payment for, it does seem to come at a price with each appearance making a return to management less likely.

One season in charge of Kelty Hearts is now 18 months into the past, any CEO or Chairman trying to get him back into the game will face quite a backlash from fans bored to tears by his predictable cliches.

This weekend he is expected to be keeping Tom Miller company on RTV, enlightening worldwide bears to the goings on against Hibs, a club that signed Thomson three times.

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