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‘He must be bloody joking!’ ‘So do I Nicholas but I’m 61’ ‘Couldn’t beat Limassol but what a player’ Ibrox ace Raskin shates his EPL dream

Nico Raskin has been sharing his dream of playing in the EPL with a Belgian newspaper.

It seems as if he has to justify his move to Scotland to the folk back home who are wondering why he is playing for the mob that claims that they are the most successful club in the world.

Raskin moved to Ibrox in January of this year and quickly transformed into a £20m player alongside his midfield buddy Todd Cantwell.

Last season his best match was the Viaplay Cup Final in February where he spent an hour on the bench watching John Lundstram and Glen Kamara, not starting that match sent his profile sky high.

Next time he was at Hampden was for the Scottish Cup semi-final at the end of April, like Cantwell he never turned up until after the final whistle on social media.

Now, nine months down the line from his transfer Raskin is waiting on his first goal. After 25 appearances that is a pretty dire record, scoring once in every fourth match would be required before any EPL club decides to spend any time checking him out.

With Micky Beale sacked Raskin might find that getting a starting place at Ibrox becomes a bit more difficult, even the Gullible & Deluded are starting to see through the hype generated by their recently departed manager.

Like his team-mates Raskin has quickly developed the habit of going missing when the big games come around. If it is bottom half of the SPFL opponents at Ibrox he has a touch of quality but European matches or facing Celtic and he is likely to be posted missing.

January is the first chance that the former Standard Liege man the chance to get his dream move but the smart money is on Nico staying on at Ibrox with his only chance of a move likely to be a loan deal back to Belgium.

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