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‘They weren’t voted OUT’ ‘I expected better from Fergie’ ‘they were liquidated’ Football fans set the record straight for forgetful Fergie

In a curiously timed interview Alex Ferguson has given his support to the Survival Lie questioning why Scottish clubs voted Rangers out of the SPL in 2012 and praising the dignity shown by Ibrox fans over the last dozen years!

That sort of fabrication might deflect most of the Gullible & Deluded away from Micky Beale’s continued employment but it hit a nerve with football fans from clubs across Scotland.

‘I can’t remember all the reasons’ Ferguson told the in-house Ibrox club’s TV service which is probably the only truthful aspect of the period from 2011.

For the benefit of the former Manchester United boss there was no vote to oust Rangers from the SPL and if Raith Rovers needing 24/7 security on Starks Park to save it from arson attempts is dignity then Ferguson’s values need reassessed.

Fun guy Ally McCoist pained a target over Raith Rovers with his ‘who are these people’ quote when Ibrox Director Andrew Dickson had sat in on a week long hearing covering the charges against Rangers in 2012 after they went into liquidation.

That season every SPL club was playing against a club fielding players that they couldn’t afford, a 10 point penalty deduction was incredibly light.

After a CVA was rejected by Her Majesty in June 2012 the liquidation process began, failure to settle with creditors meant the death of Rangers and the end of SPL and SFA membership.

SPL clubs voted against membership for the club founded by Charles Green, SFL clubs voted against admission to the First Division but a place was found in the SFL Third Division.

For over a decade Scottish clubs lost out on points, prize money, trophies and European access to a club fielding ineligible players, players that they couldn’t afford.

Motherwell, Dundee United, Falkirk and Queen of the South all lost out in cup finals to that club, as had others in earlier rounds.

If Fergie was to discover that Arsenal or Chelsea had been playing ineligible players to deny Manchester United honours he’d be the first to be shouting about the injustices served up.

His interview and the unquestioning media coverage has given fans a reminder of what went on just over a decade ago, if a similar fate befalls the Tribute Act they certainly won’t be treated as sympathetically as the club formed in 1872 or 1873 that played its last match in 2012.

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