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Under no circumstances phone SSB tonight- plea goes out to Celtic fans

One of the greatest joys of a defeat for the Ibrox mob is to tune in to the aftermath on Radio Clyde’s Super Scoreboard.

A succession of Gordies, Stewarties, Billys, Roberts and Frasers are guaranteed to spew out their anger even though they know that Celtic fans are revelling in their pain.

In the studio the pundits will generally try to sooth the hurt, highlight mitigating factors and suggest that with a by showing a bit of patience James Tavernier can be transformed into a serial winner.

That method is of limited use, this season the lads at Radio Clyde are on camera with listeners becoming viewers as Gordon Duncan takes the show onto You Tube and other social media platforms.

There should be some great reactions on camera tonight regardless of which pundits on duty to sooth the pain of anguished bears fearing that a familiar movie is again getting underway.

The facial expressions tonight should be priceless as the panel react to the calls from distressed bears.

Last week all seemed well with the world with callers complimenting Beale on his summer arrivals. League titles and trebles were casually discussed as a consequence of Beale’s Revolution.

Signing players early seemed to be more important than getting the right players to the club but after bringing in Nico Raskin and Todd Cantwell in January apparently Beale has the Midas touch in the market.

It seemed to escape the notice of callers and pundits that Raskin and Cantwell lost three times in April before turning on the style for the May dead-rubbers.

After all the hype Saturday’s match could hardly have worked out any worse for the Ibrox fans, it is a scenario that they have become very familiar with as Tavernier and Co crumble under the slightest hint of pressure.

It is a condition that the former Wigan journeyman admitted to in a programme message before the suspension of the 2019/20 season saved Gerrard’s team from further humiliation. The programme was for a home defeat by Hamilton.

There were many telling sights from the defeat at Kilmarnock, one classic was of Tav sprinting across the pitch to take a throw-in away from John Lundstram then doing nothing in particular with the ball.

Of the nine summer signings only four outfield players made the Starting XI, it must have felt like Deja-Vu again for the travelling fans as Tav, Connor Goldson, Borna Barisic and John Lundstram were up on lights as starters.

The new signings flopped spectacularly, not just in terms of ability but with a complete lack of battling qualities despite being interrogated by Beale before signing.

Cyriel Dessers was being compared to Alfredo Morelos and Sam Lammers to Carlos Pena. Some fans started to pine for the enthusiasm of Fashion Sakala despite a complete lack of composure and game intelligence.

It should be fun on the airwaves and online tonight, Celtic fans are urged to sit back and enjoy the infighting as one of the great traditions of Scottish football is played out in front of our eyes and not just through audio.


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  • by John Copeland
    Posted August 7, 2023 12:50 pm 0Likes

    In today’s print tabloids ,we have Inaction Jackson and Billy Leckie trying to give pointers to the Rangers management where those two fan boys think the clumpany is going wrong . A passioned plea to get it right rather sharpish and those two scoops are available for consultation on playing matters at all times .Yes,,there is a little snippet about Beale’s inexperience as a boss , but they have known about that for years and said zilch . As long as the succulent lamb is on the menu , the cracks in the walls will continue to be painted over ….A bit like the Record and Sun newspapers … terrible product ,so let’s raise our prices !

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