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‘More plants than the Beechgrove Garden’ ‘That was legit’ ‘Your show is going down the toilet’ Celtic fans see through Scoreboard caller George

Last week the top team on Radio Clyde were discussing Micky Beale’s first match in charge of the Ibrox Tribute Act- a 1-0 defeat away to Kilmarnock.

It seems that the rest of the world had bought into a myth that the former QPR boss had been in charge for 29 matches last season, losing to Celtic in all three competitions plus a defeat to Aberdeen three months after the Dons had been humbled by Darvel.

Super Scoreboard host Gordon Duncan is a real mater of his craft. A caller goes on air then Motherwell fan Duncan reframes the question to the panellists which regularly includes the former Airdrie United management team of Gordon Dalziel and Mark Wilson.

For some variety Kenny Miller fits in an appearance or two from his busy schedule while Hugh Keevins fantasises about doom and gloom at Celtic. Once upon a time Keevins phoned TalkSPORT to discuss the death of Rangers but that is a period that he’d rather pretend didn’t happen.

Most callers to SSB are of the unhinged variety, some go further than others with a few very obviously not all that they seem. Such as Selik fan George from Cumbernauld.

Calling anyone Judas is very much a media term, it is not a phrase used by Celtic fans referencing Brendan Rodgers.

It was perfect for Duncan to throw around last night’s panel for discussion, SSB were so pleased with it that they put the clip out on their social media channels although they later deleted it.

On Twitter most Celtic fans could see straight through George. Larkhall, Kilwinning, Bearsden or Bridgeton is more likely to be his location, sharing his phone call and reaction with his O** F*** chums.

There is a small number of Celtic fans that won’t want Brendan Rodgers to succeed, who can’t put the events of 2018/19 in context when an overbearing CEO made managing the club impossible for anyone of independent thought.

Rodgers is far from flawless, he made a few mistakes in the transfer market but nothing on the scale of Yousouf Mulumbu rather than John McGinn never mind Marian Shved, Vakoun Bayo, Ismaila Soro, Patryk Klimala, Albian Ajeti or Vasilis Barkas.

Celtic fans welcome strong debate, most of it is within sensible boundaries- fakes and plants are easily spotted and weeded out.

Last night’s call could well be the source of a column appearing in the Daily Record later this week, tellingly SSB has deleted their clip of the call from ‘George’.

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