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‘Chuckle brothers football’ ‘Bizarre statement’ ‘Sadly he won’t see Christmas’ Beale on trial as Ibrox fans see through soundbites and deflection

In front of his obliging media messengers Micky Beale managed to pass off the news that all is hunky dory inside Ibrox.

Real Madrid style football is around the corner, delivered by Gary McAllister’s former bibs and cones assistant.

Inside the media bubble all is well with no pointed questions about what style of football was supposed to be on show at Kilmarnock, why it is dependent on Borna Barisic and James Tavernier for width and why there was a general lack of fight and interest in the new signings when things weren’t going well.

The last question can equally be applied to Beale’s leadership group of Tavernier, Connor Goldson, John Lundstram and Ryan Jack.

With a few well rehearsed answers Saturday at Kilmarnock was a one off blip. Gaining confidence through hearing his own voice Beale claimed that it was a similar performance to those that delivered winning results last season.

Last season he got away with dire displays on the promise that it would be very different next season, once he gets his own players in, working with Todd Cantwell and Nico Raskin things would be very different.

With his own specially recruited stars in the building the first thing that Beale did was drop Cantwell who has been hyped up Morelos-like throughout the summer due to his performances in a few dead rubbers at the end of the season.

In April when the trophies were decided TikTok went into hiding in two losses to Celtic either side of a defeat at Pittodrie.

After watching their way through last season’s painful, laboured victories loyal bears were warmed up through the close season with tales of the fantastic new signings that Beale had recruited even though most of them were virtual unknowns six months ago.

Throw them together with the core of last season’s flops under a rookie boss on a plastic pitch and you get results like Rugby Park.

Every other manager in the SPFL was watching Saturday’s match as Derek McInnes showed how simple it is to cancel out whatever Bealeball is.

With no wingers or pace all you need to do is pack out the midfield. Set out eight players in the 30 yards in front of the penalty box and you suffocate Beale’s side.

Borna Barisic will put in one meaningful cross per game while on the other side of the park Captain Tav offers no leadership, other than running 30 yards to take a throw-in he offers nothing in his ninth season of failure.

The summer Deludemol wore off during Saturday’s ‘performance’, it looked very similar to previous failed formations, now the manager is sounding like Pedro Caixinha or Mark Warburton, in denial about the performances that fans are watching.

Beale doesn’t think that anything is wrong, he saw the template last season and is watching outstanding performances in training every day.

The warning signs have been launched by the fans, there is a new CEO and Chairman since Beale was appointed, he is not their man, they can bin him without losing face.

One more defeat this month and Beale will know all about it, he can flannel away to the media but fans are attending matches these days and won’t be slow to let him know their opinions and where he should take them.

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