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There’s always a Celtic top… spotted at Wimbledon

At most major sports events you are almost certain to spot Celtic colours in the crowds. Worldwide.

During the World Cup Finals in Qatar there were a few sightings of the famous hoops as fans looked on from afar, denied their weekly diet of action as FIFA headed into the dessert disrupting the league seasons across Europe.

The Open Golf championship and Wimbledon both have very definite slots in the summer calendar with Centre Court at Wimbledon hosting a five set thriller today with 20-year-old Spaniard Carlos Alcaraz taking the title from Novak Djokovic.

The Centre Court scoreboard is regularly featured on the television coverage, today among the usual collection of conservatively dressed Conservatives there was one fifty-something male wearing a bright green Celtic treble t-shirt.

Both players gave it 100% commitment, the rain stayed at bay with the Celtic fan in the crowd witnessing what looks like the changing of the guard with the young Spaniard justifying his ranking as World Number 1.

There were other Celtic connections in SW19 including one of the most popular Celtic Supporters Clubs in London just a five minute walk from Wimbledon Train Station.

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