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Have Gangwon jumped the gun with Yang deal?

In the digital age transfers are almost always announced in tandem.

At the end of June Celtic and Melbourne City were in sync when they announced the deal for Marco Tilio joining the Scottish champions, a move that had been heavily trailed.

In mid-morning today, while Celtic were playing a training game against Portimonense, there was a distraction with news from Korea that Yang Hyun-jun was joining Celtic coming from his club, Gangwon.

Four hours after that announcement there hasn’t been any reaction of any sort from Celtic, nothing on their Twitter account or on the club website.

Clubs are always wary of jumping the gun with transfers, until it is all sealed and signed off they won’t take any chances. Even with official announcements it often comes with ‘subject to international clearance’.

Like negotiations for Oh Hyeon-gyu in January negotiations seem to have been laboured with Gangwon looking to delay the move until January when their season is completed.

Celtic and the player have wanted the deal to proceed as soon as possible but until he is announced as Brendan Rodgers’ third summer signing it clearly isn’t quite over the line.

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